Prayer and Liturgy in a Catholic school is concerned with giving glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is our loving response, in word and action, to God’s invitation to enter into friendship, made possible through Jesus, God’s Son, and the witness of the Holy Spirit. It is an integral part of the life of the Catholic school, putting Christ at the centre of education, helping to create and sustain the Catholic ethos, making it tangible.
On the 17th May, Year 3 celebrated mass at Immaculate Heart. Monsignor Faley talked about our special gifts that we have used this year at school. We wrote the bidding prayers, joined in with offertory and sang ‘Christ, be our light’ at the end.
Year 3On Wednesday 3rd May, Year 5 celebrated a wonderful mass at Immaculate Heart with Father Andrew, their teachers, parents and the wider congregation. We wrote Bidding Prayers and talked about the feast day of Saint James and Saint Philip. We took part in the offertory and we finished with our school hymn, ‘O Virgin Fair, Star of the Sea’. It was very special to be in church again.
Year 5Our Spring themed Sacred Spaces at Star of the Sea...
Spring Sacred SpacesOur Summer themed Sacred Spaces at Star of the Sea...
Summer Sacred SpacesOur Autumn themed Sacred Spaces at Star of the Sea...
Autumn Sacred SpacesSeatonville Road, Whitley Bay, Tyne & Wear, NE25 9EG
Main office: 0191 643 2080 | Absences: 0191 643 2088
Part of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales. Company registration no: 7841435
Registered office: Fenham Hall Drive, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 9YH